The Dickinson API meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, except during May through August and December. Monthly meetings are held at the Roosevelt Grand Dakota Hotel in Dickinson, North Dakota.
The evening begins with a social hour at 6:00 PM, followed by a meal at 7:00 PM, and concludes with an industry speaker.
The Dickinson API board is seeking sponsors for each monthly meeting, please choose a sponsorship level below: *Payment must be received prior to meeting
Meeting Table Sponsors | $500
Company logo will be listed on meeting materials, social media, and table tents at the selected monthly meeting.
Bakken Gold Sponsor | $1,200
Company logo will be listed on meeting materials, social media, and table tents at the selected monthly meeting.
Company is allowed to bring marketing materials and swag to have present at the selected meeting.
January 28, 2025
Speaker: Nathan Anderson, Director North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources